Transform your Procurement and Supply Chain organisations

PURCHNET supports you in defining the ideal strategic direction for your Procurement and supply chain organisation by working with you to develop the right direction based on a detailed analysis. We accompany you in the implementation of the fundamental change - like from caterpillar to butterfly - through suitable processes and the appropriate organisation for your company, combined with the professional development of your staff.

Transform your Procurement and Supply Chain organisations

PURCHNET supports you in defining the ideal strategic direction for your Procurement and supply chain organisation by working with you to develop the right direction based on a detailed analysis. We accompany you in the implementation of the fundamental change - like from caterpillar to butterfly - through suitable processes and the appropriate organisation for your company, combined with the professional development of your staff.

For your Procurement optimization

We help you take your Procurement organisation to the next level

In a world where competition is becoming ever more intense and companies are constantly looking for new ways to differentiate themselves, the role of Procurement is crucial. Procurement is no longer just an operational process, but a strategic element that contributes significantly to your company's success. This is exactly where we come in: We help you to take your Procurement to the next level and comprehensively transform your Procurement and Purchasing processes.

For your Procurement optimization

Which of these situations are you currently in?

We have already assisted companies in a wide variety of scenarios. Here is a selection of possible situations:

Scenario 1

You are a Procurement Manager, and you are faced with a challenge that you cannot solve on your own.

Scenario 2

In your company, the Head of Finance and the Head of Procurement speak different languages.

Scenario 3

You are a Procurement Manager in a project-based organisation and have difficulties organising Procurement correctly.

Scenario 4

You want to introduce a suitable Supplier Management System based on a segmentation strategy.

Scenario 5

You need selective, often short-term support on specialised topics in Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

Scenario 6

You want to introduce category strategy management for Procurement and with the functional departments.

Scenario 7

Sie benötigen Unterstützung bei der Neuausrichtung/ Transformation Ihrer Einkaufs- und Supply-Chain-Organisation und der Entwicklung Ihres Personals.

Scenario 8

You would like support with the transfer of personnel and/or personnel reorganisation measures within Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

Scenario 9

Your organisation has grown considerably in a short period of time, but the underlying processes have not evolved with it - so you are experiencing growing pains.

Scenario 10

Many people in your organisation buy independently and Procurement only checks the invoices.

Scenario 1

You are a Procurement Manager, and you are faced with a challenge that you cannot solve on your own.

Scenario 2

In your company, the Head of Finance and the Head of Procurement speak different languages.

Scenario 3

You are a Procurement Manager in a project-based organisation and have difficulties organising Procurement correctly.

Scenario 4

You want to introduce a suitable Supplier Management System based on a segmentation strategy.

Scenario 5

You need selective, often short-term support on specialised topics in Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

Scenario 6

You want to introduce category strategy management for Procurement and with the functional departments.

Scenario 7

You need support with the realignment/transformation of your Procurement and supply chain organisation and the development of your employees.

Scenario 8

You would like support with the transfer of personnel and/or personnel reorganisation measures within Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

Scenario 9

Your organisation has grown considerably in a short period of time, but the underlying processes have not evolved with it - so you are experiencing growing pains.

Scenario 10

Many people in your organisation buy independently and Procurement only checks the invoices.

Meet our team

Your partners for Procurement and Supply Chain Management


Dr. Mario Büsch

Dr. Mario Büsch is a results-oriented manager and consultant with broad specialist and methodological knowledge in the areas of Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Production He also has detailed knowledge of Project Management, Logistics and various Engineering disciplines.

Er kann auf eine breite Palette praktischer Erfahrungen der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung sowie der Verbesserung der strategischen Ausrichtung und der operativen Leistungsfähigkeit von Abteilungen und Unternehmen zurückblicken.

Zusätzliche Erfahrungen als Trainer, Dozent und Professor für Supply Chain Management, Einkauf, Projektmanagement und Unternehmensstrategie; sowohl im deutschen als auch im internationalen Kontext.

Autor dreier Standardwerke zum Thema strategische Einkauf, Einkaufsorganisation und Verhandlung, die alle beim SpringerGabler Verlag erschienen sind.


Nicole Nolden

Nicole Nolden has experience as a lecturer in adult education in the industrial-technical and commercial sectors and as a managing partner in medium-sized companies.

In over 30 years of training and consulting experience, she has advised companies in trade, commerce, industry, healthcare and the public sector. Her clients range from small businesses to upper medium-sized companies as well as public institutions and corporate divisions.

In addition to her practical experience, Mrs Nolden has continuously developed her methodological knowledge in order to support her clients in change processes using innovative and creative methods. She is a certified change manager, a specialist in personnel development and corporate health management, a certified process consultant and an expert in corporate demographic issues.

Dr. Mario Büsch

Nicole Nolden

Dr. Mario Büsch

Dr. Mario Büsch is a results-oriented manager and consultant with broad specialist and methodological knowledge in the areas of Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Production He also has detailed knowledge of Project Management, Logistics and various Engineering disciplines.

He can look back on a wide range of practical experience in personnel and organisational development as well as in improving the strategic orientation and operational performance of departments and companies.

Additional experience as a trainer, lecturer and professor for Supply Chain Management, Procurement, Project Management and Corporate Strategy; both in a German and international context.

Author of three standard works on strategic Procurement, Procurement organisation and negotiation, all published by Springer Gabler Verlag.

Nicole Nolden

Nicole Nolden has experience as a lecturer in adult education in the industrial-technical and commercial sectors and as a managing partner in medium-sized companies.

In over 30 years of training and consulting experience, she has advised companies in trade, commerce, industry, healthcare and the public sector. Her clients range from small businesses to upper medium-sized companies as well as public institutions and corporate divisions.

In addition to her practical experience, Mrs Nolden has continuously developed her methodological knowledge in order to support her clients in change processes using innovative and creative methods. She is a certified change manager, a specialist in personnel development and corporate health management, a certified process consultant and an expert in corporate demographic issues.

We offer you help to help yourself

Why you should work with Purchnet:

Concentrated knowledge as a reference book

Our publications on the topic of Procurement

Look at our management game on Sourcing Category Management for Category Manager and Procurement staff.

Please note that our reference books are currently only available in German.

Develop your own Category Strategy together with other participants. Take on the role of a strategic category manager and analyse the internal strengths and weaknesses of your own company. Get to know the key levers for the Category Strategy and develop practical solutions for your Procurement department.

These and many other challenges await you in our Procurement Category Strategy Simulation Game.

3rd edition

Practical Guide to Strategic Procurement

Der Einkäufer der Zukunft ist der interne Projekt- und Prozessmanager, der alle Wertschöpfungsstufen der Supply Chain optimiert. Um dies zu erreichen, muss er entsprechende Einkaufsstrategien erarbeiten, diese im Unternehmen abstimmen und umsetzen.

Dieses Praxishandbuch vermittelt umfassendes Know-how dazu. Mario Büsch beschreibt praxiserprobte Vorgehens- und Verfahrensweisen für den strategischen Einkauf. Mit vielen Checklisten, Vordrucken und Arbeitsblättern. So gelingt es Unternehmen, ihr Einkaufsmanagement frühzeitig auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft auszurichten.

1st edition

Roadmap for the Transformation of Procurement

This book shows you how to transform Procurement in your company.

Over the last few decades, Procurement has evolved into an important corporate function. Its main task is not just to generate savings and reduce costs, but to create a comprehensive competitive advantage for all external spend.

Management and the board often welcome such developments but forget that it is not the sole responsibility of Procurement to achieve this state, but to set the course for change as the manager of transformation.

1st edition

Roadmap for the Transformation of Procurement

This book shows you how to transform Procurement in your company.

Over the last few decades, Procurement has evolved into an important corporate function. Its main task is not just to generate savings and reduce costs, but to create a comprehensive competitive advantage for all external spend.

Management and the board often welcome such developments but forget that it is not the sole responsibility of Procurement to achieve this state, but to set the course for change as the manager of transformation.

1st edition

Negotiation training in Procurement

The ability to successfully prepare and conduct a negotiation is one of the fundamental competencies in Procurement. The further development of a Procurement organisation or individual employees is possible with very simple means. This is exactly where this book comes in: It shows how negotiation skills can be strengthened and improved and how negotiation basics in Procurement can be designed in such a way that all employees can optimally prepare for negotiations, conduct them in a targeted manner and bring them to a conclusion.

The book serves as a self-learning guide and at the same time supports people who want to organise negotiation training for their own Procurement department.

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